
Let’s learn something about D(-)-Salicin

D(-)-Salicin is an anti-inflammatory agent that is produced from willow bark.It is also found in castoreum, which was used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic. The activity of castoreum has been credited to the accumulation of this chemical from willow trees in the beaver's diet, which is transformed to it and has an action very similar to aspirin.

Firstly, let me show you how the D(-)-Salicin works as Aspirin:

In trying to determine why D(-)-Salicin(CAS NO:138-52-3) was so effective for pain relief and reducing inflammation, pharmacists and chemists experimented with various compounds and willow bark derivatives. In 1853, a French chemist named Charles Gerhardt, attempting to make it more user-friendly, buffered it with sodium and came up with it. He had no desire to market the palatable end product and abandoned his research. It was not until 1899 that a chemist working for the German firm Bayer rediscovered Gerhardt's work, refined it and convinced his company to market it. Bayer subsequently obtained a patent on a pain reliever they called "aspirin."

Then, the other usages of D(-)-Salicin:

While originally used in a variety of pain medications, D(-)-Salicin today is more commonly used to treat skin ailments like acne, psoriasis, calluses, dandruff and warts. It speeds up the process by which the skin sheds cells, keeping pores from clogging and allowing new cells to grow. It is also used in compounds for such diverse products as sunburn cream and to make salicylanilide, which is used as a fungicide to prevent mildew. The unrefined acid is used in large amounts to make certain types of dyes. It is also the chief element in synthetic oil of wintergreen.

At last, let’s talk about the caution of D(-)-Salicin:

Many acne treatments are based on D(-)-Salicin and have been proven to be effective. They come in lotions, creams, gels and treated pads. However, sufferers should pick one remedy and not apply both pads and gels, for instance, as it has a pronounced drying effect on the skin. This could lead to other problems while not making the acne go away any faster. And, even with the buffering effect of compounds used to make it more digestible, many people are still quite sensitive to its effects.

D(-)-Salicin in blood thinning, lowering production of two enzymes, prostaglandins and thromboxanes, which reduces inflammation and the potential of platelets to stick to one another, by acting as a natural oil cleanser to wipe up the sticky and greasy layer on platelet surfaces, lessening risk of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes. In addition, salicylates reduce additional tissue damage after coronary artery disease or heart attacks, as the blood thinner properties allow for better bloodflow through clogged arteries, while possibly reducing risk of cancer as angiogenesis of cancerous cells is associated with chronic inflammation.

Mild side effects are standard, with rare occurrences of nausea, vomiting, rash, dizziness and breathing problems. Overdose from high quantities of D(-)-Salicin can be toxic, damaging kidneys, stomach causing ulcers, diarrhea, bleeding or digestive discomfort. Some people may be allergic, or sensitive to salicylates, similar to reactions to aspirin. Others that are advised against taking D(-)-Salicin are those with asthma, diabetes, gout, gastritis, hemophilia, stomach ulcers, children under 16, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Want to learn more information about D(-)-Salicin, you can access the guidechem.com. Guidechem.com is just a place for you to look for some chemicals. 

