
Permethrin is a common synthetic chemical, widely used as an insecticide, acaricide, and insect repellent. It is a kind of colourless crystals (but the technical productis normally supplied as a pale brown liquid). The Molecular Formula is C21H20Cl2O3, Molecular Weight is 391.29. It belongs to the family of synthetic chemicals called pyrethroids and functions as a neurotoxin, affecting neuron membranes by prolonging sodium channel activation. The CAS Registry Number is 52645-53-1.

It is stable,incompatible with strong oxidising agents, and insoluble in water. It is used as synthetic pyrethroid insectide, more stable to light and at least as active as the natural pyrethrins and with low mammalian toxicity.

Permethrin(CAS NO:52645-53-1) is also used widely in medicine. It was first registered and tolerances established in the United States in 1979 for use on cotton. The registration was made conditional due to the need for additional toxicology and ecological effects data to fully evaluate carcinogenicity and aquatic risk, respectively. 

After additional toxicity data were reviewed, EPA concluded that permethrin was a weak carcinogen. Further, laboratory studies indicated that permethrin was highly toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates; therefore, it was classified as Restricted Use pesticide for the cotton use. From 1982 to 1989, an additional 55 + crop tolerances were approved for a wide variety of crops, including various fruits and vegetables, meat, milk and eggs.

Permethrin is used to treat scabies in adults and children 2 months of age and older. Over-the-counter permethrin is used to treat lice in adults and children 2 months of age and older. Permethrin is in a class of medications called scabicides and pediculicides. It works by killing lice and mites.

Permethrin can be used in public health mosquito abatement programs and on a variety of food or feed crops and livestock; or in structures and buildings, including livestock housing and food-handling establishments. Permethrin can also be used in numerous residential sites, both indoor and outdoor, and on pets and clothing. When permethrin is used on large areas like crops, nurseries, and sod farms it is considered a restricted use pesticide. 

For other applications, it is considered a general use pesiticide. Formulations of permethrin used for treatment of head lice and scabies on humans are available, but these are considered pharmaceuticals, which are regulated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 2 Uses for individual permethrin products vary widely. Always read and follow the label when applying pesticide products.

If you need take Permethrin, you should pay more attention to it. Learning more health information, properties or suppliers about Permethrin, you can access Guidechem. 

